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スパニッシュオレンジ 麦焼酎(mirica 100ml)/ Spanish Onage (Mugi Shochu)




※商品写真はラベルが似た商品(年度違いの商品など)を一時的に使用する場合がございます。 ※季節によって「焼酎の華」と呼ばれる、白い旨み成分が見られることがあります。 原材料名:大麦(国産)、大麦麹(国産麦) アルコール分:25度 内容量:100ml ◎製法について ~日本酒の純米吟醸の技法を取り入れて造られています~ ・全量福岡・佐賀県産二条大麦を使用 ・清酒酵母を使用し、低温にて吟醸仕込み ・オリジナル蒸溜器による常圧2回蒸溜(天盃式) ・上記をベースとして、酵母と醪の発酵方法を一部変更 ・麦100%の旨味を踏襲しつつ、より香りの出る酵母と発酵方法を採用 ◎店主の勝手にPR: 香り高く口当たりはとてもソフト。麦焼酎特有のびりびり感は全くありません!麦焼酎のイメージをくつがえす逸品。麦焼酎や焼酎自体が苦手だった方にも是非トライしてもらいたい焼酎です。 店主の好みは、炭酸で割ってハイボール! 味わい:香り高く軽やか ◎おすすめの飲み方 ロック、ハイボール、水割り ◎店主おすすめのペアリング: やきとり(塩)、豚しゃぶポン酢など、さっぱり系の食事。 <在庫について> 店頭でも販売しておりますため、受注・在庫確認にタイムラグが生じる場合がございます。 そのため、ご注文後に欠品のご連絡をする場合もございます。 あらかじめご了承くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 商品をお急ぎの際は事前にお問い合わせくださいませ。 *Product photos may temporarily use similar products with similar labels (such as products from different years). *Depending on the season, a white UMAMI component known as "Shochu no Hana" may be present. Ingredients: Barley (domestic), Barley koji (domestic barley) Alcohol content: 25% Contents: 100ml ◎Production method: Made using the technique of pure rice ginjo sake. -Uses 100% Nijo barley from Fukuoka and Saga prefectures -Uses sake yeast and is brewed at low temperatures -Distilled twice at atmospheric pressure using an original still (tenpai-shiki) -Based on the above, some changes were made to the fermentation method of the yeast and mash -Adopts a yeast and fermentation method that enhances the aroma while preserving the 100% barley flavor ◎The personal impression of the store manager: It has a fragrant aroma and a very soft mouthfeel. It doesn't have the typical roughness of barley shochu! This is an excellent shochu that defies the typical image of barley shochu, and even those who aren't fond of shochu or barley shochu should definitely give it a try. The owner's preference is to mix it with carbonated water to make a highball! From 15 October 2022. it will be installed on the "Seven Stars in Kyushu", which was born as Japan's first cruise train. *"Seven Stars in Kyushu" has the goal of transmitting Kyushu to the world. It will connect Kyushu's history, traditions, and culture, to the future. That is the train of true richness of Kyushu. Taste: Aromatic and light ◎Reccomendations: Storage: Cool and dark place (room temperature) Pairing: Salty and sour seasoned dishes (white fish carpaccio, grilled chicken, olives, etc,) How to drink: on the rocks, with carbonated water, with water <Regarding inventory> As we also sell this product in-store, there may be a time lag in order and inventory confirmation. Therefore, we may contact you after receiving your order to inform you of any out-of-stock items. Thank you for your understanding in advance. If you need the product urgently, please contact us in advance.
