
【再々入荷しました! 】いわきフラビール (ハワイアンズラガー) / 【Limited distribution】IWAKI Hula Beer (HAWAIIANS LAGER)
国内におけるフラ文化発祥の地である福島県いわき市をイメージし、震災から10年目の節目に誕生した限定ビールです。原料の一部にいわき産こしひかり(Iwaki Laki)使用。
新橋SLビールの ”明るく元気な妹” 的な、パッケージのイメージ通りのトロピカルな味わいです♪
【Iwaki Hula Beer (Hawaiian Lager)】
*** Limited distribution ***
This was born on the 10th year since the 3.11 earthquake as kind of a milestone, with the image of Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, the birthplace of Japanese hula culture.
Iwaki Raki is used as part of the ingredients.
Very fruity aroma, the bitterness is refreshing and the texture is slightly light.
As you can see from the package image, it has a tropical flavor like a "cheerful younger sister" of "Shimbashi SL beer" ♪
It is easy to drink and tasty so I'd like to let even those who are not good at beer try!